Superhero Walk, Wheel, Run taking place September 13th-23rd, is an INCLUSIVE provincial SaskAbilities event, which offers both in-person and virtual participation, ensuring everyone across Saskatchewan can take part in the action! Whether you are walking, wheeling or running, you can make every step count by fundraising for vital youth and adult recreational programs for individuals experiencing disability. Get involved TODAY – on your own, or with a team!

Heroes come in all forms and are among us every day. By joining Superhero Walk, Wheel, Run, YOU can be a HERO to children, youth and adults experiencing disability, ensuring their continued access to vital programs and services.

The Cause:

Camp Easter Seal

As the only completely wheelchair-accessible camp facility in Saskatchewan, Camp Easter Seal provides a safe, fun and barrier-free experience to all campers who participate in extracurricular, recreational, and personal development activities. It is truly a place where campers can put their daily challenges aside and just have fun!

Summer Fun:

Summer Fun is a program that was created when SaskAbilities recognized the need for more social interaction during the summer months for children and youth who experience disability. Summer Fun is aimed at fostering community inclusion, encouraging social skill development and increasing the self-confidence and self-esteem in program participants.

Adaptive Technology:

This program is dedicated to using technology to create opportunities and increase independence for people with varying abilities. If an individual can control one muscle function – like blinking their eye, turning their head or controlling their breath – we can apply switches to that movement to increase their freedom, choice and safety.

Individualized services including assessments, installation and training can open the door to a new world of possibilities for people with disabilities. The freedom to make choices and act on opportunities. Register Donate

Registration for Superhero Walk, Wheel, Run 2024 is now OPEN!