28 July 2021
Ability Bowl Walk, Wheel, Run invites you to be a super hero and kick off with us August 14th.
With the success of last year’s inaugural Superhero Bowl: Walk, Wheel, Run fundraiser, organizers are once again hosting this very popular fundraising campaign in 2021.
The event, which features team or individual participation, encourages participants to get active in whatever way they want – walking, wheeling, or running, to ensure an inclusive approach for people of all abilities, ages, and skill levels! With a superhero theme, participants are encouraged to take part as their “alter egos”, but are advised to exercise caution if leaping tall buildings in a single bound or handling any radioactive spiders.
“Last year’s event was a big success, raising more than $50,000 for programs and services for individuals experiencing disability,” explained Candace Toma, Community Relations Coordinator.
“This year, we’ve set the bar even higher – thanks to the wonderful support we receive across southwest Saskatchewan, we feel confident that we can raise $70,000 for programs for youth like Summer Fun, our Social Leisure Youth Program, and Camp Easter Seal. We cannot run these programs without the generosity of our community partners, donors, and supporters.”
The top 10 individual fundraisers will receive prizes for their efforts, which will be unveiled on the SaskAbilities Swift Current social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram – @SCAbilities) in the coming days. All participants will receive official event shirts, proudly sponsored by Bowditch Promotions. Sizing is on a first come, first served basis.
Online registration is now open at www.abilitybowl.ca, and offline pledge forms will be available at the Swift Current branch of SaskAbilities – 1551 North Railway St W, Swift Current. We can also arrange to have offline pledge forms sent to you through any of our other Branches in Saskatoon, Yorkton, or Regina.
For more information about Superhero Bowl: Walk, Wheel, Run, please contact Candace Toma at 306-750-7427 (call/text) or abilitybowl@saskabilities.ca.