8 November 2021
Registration for Snowarama is now open!

The 2022 Easter Seals Snowarama is taking place in February, for 9 days all across Saskatchewan. We plan to gather and celebrate the 45th Annual Snowarama with the Awards Banquet on Saturday, February 19 in Yorkton!
We have options this year for our Riders. We are hopeful and planning for an in-person event that will include a Wing Night, breakfast, lunch, and Awards Banquet, and we’ve also kept the “Virtual” component of the event. Riders can also register, raise pledges, ride their local trails, join us virtually for the Awards Banquet and have their Rider Packs mailed to them! Let us know your preference when you register.
Hit the trails any time between February 11th and 19th in support of Easter Seals!
Register online and raise pledges by visiting snowarama.ca. Just a minimum of $150 in pledges is needed to participate this year.
Every registrant raising the minimum pledge will receive:
- Snowarama Shirt, Crest, & Pin
- Complimentary Fuel or a Co-op Gift Card for fuel
- Complimentary Lunch or a Gift Card to a Restaurant
- Complimentary Ticket to the Awards Banquet or a Gift Card to a Restaurant with an invitation to Virtual Awards Program on February 19, 2021
- Everyone will have the chance to win some amazing prizes!
In 2021, we hosted a fun and robust virtual Camp called Camp Connected. We received approximately 450 camper registrations! Individuals experiencing disability from all across Saskatchewan participated in this interactive and exciting virtual camp. In 2022, we are preparing to support campers in the safest way possible. We are doing all we can to bring back overnight and in person camping at Camp Easter Seal!
See you on the trails!