17 August 2020

You can help us by donating your recyclables!

Donate to SaskAbilities today through our partnership with SARCAN!  You can visit any SARCAN location that has a Drop & Go option and the funds from your recyclables will be donated directly to us.  It’s fast and easy!  Drop & Go has very minimal wait time as your bags will be labeled with your drop off code and counted at a later time in the day.  Please check the link below for a complete list of locations you can visit and their hours.

Follow these easy steps: 

  1. At home, separate your recycling – put plastics, cartons and aluminum cans into bags, put glass beverage containers into boxes. Don’t forget to include milk containers! 
  2. Visit a SARCAN Depot and look for Drop & Go 
  3. Follow instructions on the screen. Type SaskAbilities when prompted to enter the group phrase. It is simple!
  4. The amount of your order will be processed and paid directly to SaskAbilities 

Please click HERE for SARCAN’s list of locations in your area.  This site keeps up to date information on their reopening hours.