SaskAbilities was incorporated in 1950 and continues to operate under the authority of The Non-profit Corporations Act, 2022, of Saskatchewan and is a registered charity under the Income Tax Act. We are dedicated to providing programs and services to people experiencing disability in Saskatchewan, and to building inclusive communities.
In 1950, families of children with cerebral palsy believed there could be better education, treatment, and services for their children and others like them; they did something about it and started the Saskatchewan Council for Crippled Children. Within a year, the Council found itself providing services not only to children but also adults impacted by the effects of polio. To reflect this expansion of services, the name was changed to Saskatchewan Council for Crippled Children and Adults.
In 1984, a desire to emphasize abilities rather than disabilities led to a second name change for the agency. We became the Saskatchewan Abilities Council.
In 2017, to reflect our organization’s progress and evolution, we introduced a third name change: SaskAbilities, a more modern, streamlined version of our name that still maintains a respectful nod to our history and roots in the community.
We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. Individuals from across Saskatchewan give freely of their time and expertise to ensure we meet our vision and mission.
Each year, with our dedicated staff members, we provide employment, quality of life, and rehabilitation programs and services for tens of thousands of Saskatchewan children and adults experiencing disability. We support individuals to live their lives as they choose. Please use our website to find services available in your community.
Whatever the future holds, SaskAbilities is dedicated to working together to build inclusive communities for people of all abilities.
Working together to build inclusive communities for people of all abilities.
SaskAbilities supports people experiencing disability with programs and services to enhance their lives.
We treat people with respect, honesty and compassion.
Our programs and services are client-centred, goal-oriented and accountable.
We value teamwork, excellence and innovation.
SaskAbilities has celebrated many exciting and monumental milestones in the communities we serve, including our latest rebrand and name change.
Supported independent living programs introduced in Swift Current and Yorkton; Youth employment program and MentorAbility begin in Regina; Members approve revised Bylaw and Articles of Amendment; Successful launch of employment video series; Orthopaedics establishes new partnership with the Saskatchewan Health Authority; Swift Current and Yorkton receive awards from their local chambers of commerce; Special Needs Equipment in Prince Albert moves to new location.
Moose Jaw begins offering cognitive disability strategy program; Yorkton opens household hazardous waste depot; Regina and Saskatoon introduce supported independent living programs; Donors to the Camp Easter Seal capital campaign recognized; Revised Bylaw approved by Board of Directors; Planned giving program – FutureAbilities – launched; Strong results achieved in independent client feedback survey.
First in-person Annual General Meeting since 2019; Mental health wellness conference in Yorkton; Camp Easter Seal capital campaign meets goal; Respite services end in Saskatoon and Yorkton; In-person camping returns to Camp Easter Seal for the first time since 2019; New day program opens in Warman.
Response to pandemic continues; Mix of in-person and virtual programs; No in-person camping at Camp Easter Seal for second year; Improvements continue at Camp Easter Seal; Saskatoon Quality of Life opens new facility in Holiday Park; Review of Moose Jaw Residential Services; New SARCAN depot opens in Saskatoon; Yorkton offers Cognitive Disability Strategy program; Review of mental health supports.
COVID-19 Pandemic; Introduction of virtual programs; No in-person camping at Camp Easter Seal for the first time since 1954; Improvements to chalet, dining hall, and pool at Camp Easter Seal; MyCompass software introduced for Quality of Life clients.
Saskatoon Quality of Life opens new facility in Sutherland; Saskatoon introduces respite program; Camp Easter Seal celebrated 65 years of service; Swift Current recognized as member business of the year by Swift Current & District Chamber of Commerce.
New charitable purpose approved and filed with provincial and federal governments; Swift Current special needs equipment depot moves to the Branch; Yorkton introduces respite program; second home opens in Moose Jaw; condition report commissioned for Camp Easter Seal.
Unveiling of new name, logo, vision statement, and mission statement; introduction of new website; parking program name change to Accessible Parking Program. Swift Current offers Cognitive Disability Strategy program.
Saskatoon Quality of Life Centre opens new facility in Stonebridge; Regina begins delivering home and day supports in Moose Jaw; Saskatoon begins offering an autism-specific employment program; Swift Current launches the Volunteering in Community initiative.
Saskatoon Quality of Life Centre opens; Swift Current ReUse Warehouse closes; Yorkton Mental Health Drop-In Centre moves to Yorkton Branch.
Regina Quality of Life Centre opens; Camp Easter Seal celebrates 60 years of service; Swift Current ReUse Warehouse opens; Paediatric Wooden Equipment program introduced.
Provincial Services and Swift Current Branch renovated to improve workplace safety and client experiences; new Regina Quality of Life Centre construction begins; Regina and Moose Jaw Partners in Employment celebrate 10 years of service.
Yorkton RecyclAbility Enterprises opens; Wound care clinic established in Saskatoon; Champions of Children award presented to Camp Easter Seal; Special Needs Equipment inventory reviewed.
Lean principles applied to Special Needs Equipment; Yorkton provides Social Return on Investment training and services; new deck constructed for dining hall at Camp Easter Seal.
Happy Nappy, a cloth diaper service and the Council’s first social enterprise, established in Regina; Yorkton Tillman Quality of Life Centre opens; fully-accessible Canada Safeway playground opens at Camp Easter Seal; all locations celebrate 60th anniversary (video launched showcasing work of the Council over past 60 years); strategic plan approved; revised website launched.
Ministry of Social Services Spirit Award for Community Organizations in the people with disabilities category presented to Saskatoon Branch; renewable parking permits for organizations who transport people with disabilities implemented; Swift Current community alternatives program begins; Regina transition services begins; recycling partnership with City of Swift Current commences.
Storage facility at Camp Easter Seal constructed; agency-wide satisfaction survey conducted; new SARCAN depot opens in Swift Current; Special Needs Transportation name change to Access Transit in Swift Current and Yorkton.
Renewable parking permits for people with disabilities implemented; Easter Seals Drop Zone Regina held; construction of amphitheatre at Camp Easter Seal constructed; Yorkton Electronics Disassembly opens.
New arrival area at Camp Easter Seal opens; Feingertz Research Fund established; DisAbility Management Services discontinued; Easter Seals™ Drop Zone Saskatoon begins; Saskatchewan Centennial Commemorative medal awarded to Aron Braun, client and volunteer.
New cabin at Camp Easter Seal opens; strategic plan approved; vision, mission and value statements approved; Centennial Medals awarded to four Board members; use of March of Dimes discontinued.
Moose Jaw Partners in Employment opens; The March of Dimes Canada Leadership Award presented to Olga Bobiash; Camp Easter Seal celebrates 50th anniversary.
Revised website launched; Pigs in the City fundraiser held in Regina; Regina Partners in Employment opens; Swift Current evaluation service commences; The Easter Seals Canada Leadership Award presented to the Draggins Rod & Custom Club.
Accessibility study conducted at Camp Easter Seal; new cabin at Camp Easter Seal opens; Special Needs Equipment facility opens at Provincial Services; Pigs in the City fundraiser held in Saskatoon.
50th anniversary of March of Dimes in Canada; expansion of Saskatoon Branch Training Centre packaging department; Council continues strategic planning; Saskatoon Partners in Employment opens; The Easter Seals Canada Leadership Award presented to Jim Biss.
Pictorial booklet commemorates Council’s 50th anniversary year, all locations celebrate; Yorkton Recycling Centre opens; new cabin at Camp Easter Seal opens.
Recycling Centre construction project in Yorkton approved by Board; Council a finalist in the Donner Canadian Foundation Awards for Excellence in the Delivery of Social Services (Services to the Disabled category) for the Supported Employment Program.
Construction of second medical cabin at Camp Easter Seal; Council receives Saskatchewan Labour Force Development Board’s Award of Excellence in the Equity Participation in Employment category, for Supported Employment Program; Saskatoon transportation service turned over to City of Saskatoon.
DisAbility Management Services established in Saskatoon and Regina; new website launched.
Medical cabin at Camp Easter Seal constructed; Provincial Services headquarters has renovations and building improvements; Canadian Rehabilitation Council for the Disabled Award presented to Bill Sinnett.
Renovations complete at Regina Branch; expansion of Saskatoon Branch cafeteria.
Saskatoon Special Needs Transportation installs computerized dispatch system; renovations begin at Regina Branch; Camp Easter Seal aquatic centre opens; staff and camper reunion, history book celebrates 40th anniversary of Camp Easter Seal; Handicapped Farmers Program renamed Farmers with Disabilities Program; Recycling Centre established at Yorkton Branch.
Construction of new aquatic centre begins at Camp Easter Seal; Prince Albert transportation service discontinued.
Corporate colours changed; capital campaign launched for renovation and expansion of Regina Branch; retail sales introduced to Special Needs Equipment program.
Corporate strategic plan develops revised Mission, Objectives and Value statement; Regina transportation service discontinued.
Council celebrates 40th anniversary; Handicapped Farmers Program receives Canadian Rehabilitation Council for the Disabled (CRCD) Constellation Assurance Award in recognition of development of more effective rehabilitation services; new ramp makes Camp Easter Seal chalet fully wheelchair accessible; Technical Aids mobile service launched from Technical Aids Resource Centre in Regina; CRCD Award presented to Murray Bedel.
Technical Aids Resource Centre at Wascana Rehabilitation Centre in Regina opens.
Orthopaedic department relocates to 2310 Louise Avenue, now known as Provincial Services building.
Reconstruction of Southwest Ability Centre after fire; Council takes over Special Needs program for Saskatchewan Health; administrative staff move to 2310 Louise Avenue, Saskatoon; Kilburn Avenue facility renovated, officially becomes Saskatoon Ability Centre; history of the Council, Steps to Freedom, published.
Handicapped Farmers Program introduced; first Easter Seal telethon.
Name officially changed to Saskatchewan Abilities Council; Saskatoon Industrial Centre fire loss; introduction of Sewing department, Technical Aids service and Driver Training program in Regina.
Parkland Ability Centre, Yorkton, opens.
Buckle Up Baby and Disability Awareness programs introduced.
Specialized Seating service begins.
Myo-Electrics service begins; Camp Easter Seal renovated.
Parent Relief program begins; transportation service begins in Prince Albert and Yorkton.
Employment Preparation program begins.
Independent Residency Training program begins.
Demand responsive transportation service begins.
Aids to Daily Living Department opens; Level IV Camp initiated; Technical Aids program begins.
Addition to Yorkton Branch for woodwork operation; tutoring program and Avocational program begin.
Arts and Crafts building opens at Camp Easter Seal.
Addition to Saskatoon building provides new sheltered workshop; sheltered workshop opens in Yorkton.
Kinsmen Centre for the Handicapped opens in Regina, sheltered workshop opens in Swift Current.
Orthopaedic appliance shop added to Saskatoon location.
First vocational sheltered workshop opens in Regina.
First vocational sheltered workshop opens in Saskatoon.
Camp Easter Seal site established at Manitou Beach.
Vocational Rehabilitation program and Orthopaedic services begin in Saskatoon; Camp Easter Seal program begins.
Saskatoon headquarters for provincial activities.
SCCC extends services to handicapped adults; first March of Dimes campaign.
Parents of children with cerebral palsy found Saskatchewan Council for Crippled Children (SCCC).
Please visit our Online Policy Manual to find out more about our policies at SaskAbilities.