Access 2 is a collaborative partnership between Easter Seals™ and over 500 movie theatres, cultural attractions, entertainment venues, and recreation facilities across Canada.
Designed for people of all ages who have a permanent disability and require the assistance of a support person, the goal of the Access 2 program is to improve social inclusion and provide access to entertainment, cultural and recreation opportunities and experiences without any added financial burden.
When an Access 2 cardholder presents their valid Access 2 Card at any participating venue partner, their support person receives free admission; the cardholder pays regular admission.
* For additional information about the program or to learn about qualifying for an Access 2 Card please visit the website.
Application for an Access 2 Card
To apply for a new Access 2 Card, renew your existing or expired Access 2 Card, or to replace your lost or stolen Access 2 Card, please visit the Access 2 Card website and complete the online application: