Find out more about our day programs, Camp Easter Seal, Summer Fun and other community programs.
The Dementia Friendly Life Enrichment Program provides individualized and group services to individuals living with dementia and their care partners. This is the only program that serves people living with…
SaskAbilities Summer Fun is a fun filled seasonal program available for children and youth experiencing disability in July and August each year.
SLYP-Out is an opportunity for children and youth experiencing disability to interact, have fun and gain independence.
Rooted in our values and driven by our vision and mission, Quality of Life Day Programs provide the individuals who spend their day with us the ability to design their…
In collaboration with the Provincial Crisis Support Network, the Crisis and Prevention Support Program is designed to provide innovative, compassionate and client centred supports through a well-trained pool of individuals.
SaskAbilities offers individuals experiencing cognitive disability and their families, supports to address unmet needs including service coordination and the development of behavioural support plans.
For over 70 years, Camp Easter has been Saskatchewan’s only fully accessible and barrier free camp.
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